
Oh, I'm not wishing for anything. If anything, I'm just wishing that everyone would mind their own business, treat each other with respect as well as the planet. Carry on with the global economy and make the world a decent place to live. Stop the fanaticism as well because ISIL isn't helping a damn thing except that

Well, thanks for that parroted set of talking points from the dopey "news" source you obviously watch in between non-stop incontinence product ads.

NATO is not at all the same thing as taking over a fucking country. You can debate the ethics of soft power all you want, but none of that holds a candle to annexing actual countries.

Your heart is in the right place but that's not the guy attached to the account. After a google image search I found it's a stock image for 'happy black guy'. It's easy to make death and rape threats for the worst of humanity, provided they don't use their real names or images.

Internet anonymity is awesome... until these fucking guys show up.

If one of these asshats is your friend, you're probably pretty shitty too.

"If you all came here for an education, you should have gone to Harvard."

They just got carried away because they're so concerned about ethics in journalism.

Smart Student: [writes essay about the true nature of the AFAM department]
Everybody: [turns in the same paper]

People can be prosecuted for some of these tweets right? I mean when you get comments like, 'don't let me catch you alone,' followed by a real classy rape comment by the likes of this guy, should warrant a response from law enforcement. Just because you have a phone and a free Twitter account, doesn't give you the

Thankfully Cutler's kids won't have to deal with this, although that's because they died of polio as toddlers.

Don't forget, my children aren't immune either. there legal precedent to get @ELNEIGHBORADOR and @SonBateman arrested or something? Because...holy shit. Fuck those guys.

Fucking digusting. Poor girls, man.

Should we expect more from someone with Twitter handle "pumpkin fucker". Seriously, if one of these asshats is your friend, set them straight.

I am sorry that your life sucks and that you have a brain injury. Conversely, my life is dope and I do dope shit. Like eating candy corn.

You know what is amazing?

I stopped reading after "I stopped reading."

a seal once told me garnish was for pussies like Osama.