
You answered your own query: you are assuming there are “rational, educated human being(s)” listening. Instead you got today’s republican, who barely qualifies as human (I’d want a DNA test to be sure, though)

ManPenguinBoy’s distant relative:

Man Penguin Boy, the defender and protector of New York City! Commissioner Gordon needs help, quick put up the Man Penguin Boy signal!

Fuck, Kenny. It must suck to have some personal connection to her however long ago it was.

Nope. The Google says 7-1. I believe the Google over you

Ok ok, probably 8-1 after today. We’ll give you that

You don’t get to count any preseason wins, bud. Nice try.

If you mention high school freshman towns, it’s only a matter of time before Mark Sanchez asks for directions.

Mularkey will be ably assisted by offensive coordinator Jim Bunkum and defensive coordinator Fred Hogwash.

As a resident of Milwaukee and a person very familiar with Whitefish Bay, I couldn’t be less surprised by this news story.

Despite all of his problems, Lamar Odom has always seemed to be a good guy with a lot of personal demons the likes of which I am lucky not to be able to truly simply don’t have the reference point to appreciate or understand. He’s had a life of considerable tragedy, including the loss of a child. If it happened to me,

Frantically trying to find that half-smoked blunt after a random locker search is announced.

I ain't your buddy, pal!

Data. It is much cleaner to store several hard drives than it is to store "stuff". Data Like Simpsons gifs for example.

The best and most important SF film since the turn of the century (at least). Too bleak for mass appeal, though, sadly.

V Stiviano was born the following year, the first step in the NBA's cunning 31-year plan to rid themselves of Donald Sterling.

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.