should look splendid on my forthcoming Zelda-themed 3DS-XL
should look splendid on my forthcoming Zelda-themed 3DS-XL
i go grass every generation.. i feel like it makes the game slightly more challenging. probably not but that's what i tell myself :)
if this is the soundtrack, I will buy it on those grounds alone. Fantastic.
Great lunchtime read. Thanks very much!!
I will never give up hope for WC4, HERESY!
Pikmin 3, Rayman, and Wonderful 101 by mid September.. I know for certain they will be at least $180 richer
I hold your opinion above all others as a fellow CoCa faithful! Thanks :D
yeah the weak FPS play was an issue I had as well. I also never felt like I had enough ammo- pretty much ever. I can handle games like Metro:2033 where ammo is tough to come by but I just had a ton of anxiety playing the first two Bioshocks.. more so BS1.
I also killed that Solaire of Astora guy because his armor was much better than what I was using.. so I can't summon him for any fights. oops
I want to but I think I gimped my character by sort of griefing the first 4 or 5 bosses. Like the ones you can trick into falling off cliffs and such. I actually rang the first bell but now it's getting quite difficult. I can't mentally handle playing for 3 hours and still waking up at the same bonfire!
that's what's drawing me- heard the story was fantastic and I value that above most things. Who doesn't love plot twists!?
ok this is sort of embarassing.. I bought and played Bioshock 1 AND 2. Neither of which I can bring myself to finish. I like all sorts of games, especially in that genre/category. I've played ME1-3 at least 3 times over, the Metro games, playing Borderlands 1-2 now, Crysis series..
I promised myself I would only buy two of these three games coming out (Rayman, Pikmin, 101)... I was certain it would be the first two but now I'm just gunna have to wait for reviews.
I expected to see it in the top 3, color me appalled
the email was so poorly formatted that I thought it was a phishing attempt... WHO CAN I TRUST ANYMORE?!
all that came of this video is that I have to create a new Mass Effect save file...
FF Tactics. Finally playing through on my iPad with FFT WotL. Amazing so far challenging too
it's back up- just bought it myself! Thanks!
the intro to this is basically the intro to Mass Effect 2.. from the music to what basically happened, really!