Played all ME on PC and all dlc right through citadel. Loved every minute. I would get this on PC but I'm intrigued by new features and any use of the gamepad
Played all ME on PC and all dlc right through citadel. Loved every minute. I would get this on PC but I'm intrigued by new features and any use of the gamepad
watched a few reviews on it.. I'm big on Mass Effect and this seems like it might be sorta similar. Can't wait to add it to my Wii U library!!
I'm with you. Those fights with Ghirahim always felt like complete crapshoots. I'll be legitimately upset if the Wii U Zelda has some sort of "blowing into the mic" requirement to take down baddies :(
exactly what I needed, but couldn't find! thanks much!
Gamestop/Target/Best Buy still out of stock where I live. Earliest at GS is quoted at 2 weeks. My sorrow/pain runs deep.
1:16 - looks like a Mazda commercial
I wish I had a FE:A case to continue this motif with... damn you Gamestop/Nintendo shipping delays :'(
local Gamestop says Friday :(
Too lazy to find a source but I'm nearly positive that the D-Pad patent has already run its course.
Hard to explain why I love this track so much. It's as if it wasn't suitable to be the music in the middle of an active volcano, but somehow it fit perfectly. Inspired my alias for all future RPGs: Bolero.
OOO! Shepard/Aria mini-romance hint? That's been coming on for a while now
yep- pretty much what would I would say as well. The selling points of the system seem to revolve around and depend upon its usage in the household- not a busy bigbox store with a dozen impatient teenagers lined up behind you.
my exact first thought
just played it at Gamestop with my girlfriend and she loved it as much as I did. That's all the validation I need.
Guy looks like he's having a difficult time explaining it, too. Deeply pensive.
it's not that bad.. are we being a little bit sensationalist?
In short, I'm going to be terrible at the new SSB because I never learned how to play with a Wii-mote/Nunchuk. I just loved the GC controller setup.
@Ed, your shortsightedness is one of the reasons why this education is necessary.