
Mr. Mercedes was fine, was interested by the premise of this one but it sounds like it doesn't quite come together.


that woman? Richard Nixon.

Ted Bundy: "Fucking poser"

watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas if you want to be real creeped out by it.

jery get ipad

I got a perm for my camping trip………my solo camping trip.

"Fuck this country and everyone in it." - Abraham Lincoln

*takes notes* Better shit shovels, also dock you for taking five minutes to talk to me.

I once had someone tell me they would do well on Deal or No Deal because they are "good at math". No sir, you are not.

I never really thought about it as a horror movie, it really feels like the epitome of an 80s movie and reminds me of my childhood. Well minus the ghosts and shit.

I love the original so much that I was curious about this one but I think I will wait for Netflix around Halloween to watch it.

My dad loved that segment. I've never seen him laugh so hard at anything.

Rufus Wainwright reminds me of one specific ex, so he is sorta tainted for me but I do agree.

He used to try to send people in outfits into Flashdancers, the strip club down the street. He tried the bear suit dude and they actually let him in.

she might be the smartest person in NJ with her answer.

Yeah, fuck the moon.

Oh that is good to hear, some of the other reviews seem to say that the writing kinda falls apart in the second and third book. I will probably pick the series back up after I finish my current book.

May seems to be a fun sci fi read time, just breezed through three of them that were all enjoyable: