
oh dear lord no


Yeah fuck a health insurance system that actually works, I ain't paying no one to watch the teevee!

Don't let him in the war room…he will see the Big Board!

Gotta Nuke Something

Agreed. This is why I defend AFFC to everyone. Watching Cersei's inept handling of power is so much fun to watch. Also, she learns NOTHING from it. Just beautiful.

I'll allow it.

Hey! His dad is a big wheel down at the cracker factory.

What? No. It is meant to be Iraq, right down to the pulling down of the statute.

"How rude lady"

It is so bizarre that we have never actually visited Casterly Rock in the books.

Her anus is really responding to the laser.

I just kept shouting "Mr. Potato Head" at him while he was doing this.


I was hoping to see Dragonbinder this season, guess I have to wait.

I fully expect her to be riding a dragon into Westeros and take an arrow to the neck by some random minor character.

I hate that through the show, GRRM is basically telling us that Coldhands doesn't matter and we shouldn't care who he is.

I like A Dance With Dragons, but I also might have Stockholm Syndrome.


I have a paperback version of Feast of Crows that promises Dance With Dragons would be out the next year. This was 2006.