
This video essay reminds me of that Foucault essay “This is not a pipe”

I vote. It hasn’t done much.

Our system is a nightmare. What can one do but laugh at this farce?

Diesel has way more creative control on those films than anyone, and I believe he is now a producer on the series.

ShadowRun is far more linear than Fallout and Divinity.

Far Cry 3 and Origins are my two fav Ubi-style games. I haven’t played FC5 yet, though.

This is exactly what I mean. Use the community! Instead of suing the committed fans of a given game for creating tributes, follow what Sega did with the recent Sonic game and create something for the community, by the community.

Please, god, cross-post this to The Root

There is a simple path to huge sales for any of these reissues. Instead of smoothing them out and changing fonts (Chrono Trigger, FFVI) or adding goofy 3D graphics (Secret of Mana); hire a small team to do hand drawn and complex full remakes. Given what we have all seen from Hyper Light Drifter, Odin Sphere, or the

This take defines the Root. Rappaport is sometimes funny and sometimes an asshole. Why should I treat him any differently than Rick Ross or Trick Daddy, as men who say or do things I find entertaining, but often say despicable things about woman? Just because he is white? That means I have to lose all nuance of

They could have paid to take it to court, which likely would have won the day in and of itself. They have vastly more resources.

“In addition to allegations of Breillat humiliating actors on set, Argento also cites an incident in with the director did not correctly end a scene in which Argento was strangling another actor.”

‘That little heifer’ reminds me of my mom.

People need to call in to the Fort-Worth mayors office, this is awful.

Jiren and Toppo pweeese.

I am with you.

He is only one of the 5 most popular rappers alive (Kanye, Jay, Kendrick and Em), if not the most popular.

These two ho ass crackers.

He uses Ambien, just like my grandma?

It is scary, yet unsurprising, that someone believes that being a Nazi is cooler and more ethically redeeming than asceticism.