This show fell apart as soon as the Underwoods stopped being on the same team. Their relationship was the core of the show.
This show fell apart as soon as the Underwoods stopped being on the same team. Their relationship was the core of the show.
You misspelled The City of the Living Dead (The Gates of Hell).
Cheeseball shit.
Can a person never redeem themselves? This is the logic we see applied to nearly every black man who has suffered in prison. Whether they committed the act or not, they are forsaken by all accept their community.
For a while I was getting shit from my girlfriend the times I would say ‘I’m too tired’ in the morning and every once in a while at night. Then I got her the wand and a few other things (Lelo Sona, Stronic Eins) and now she sometimes says I am going to sleep.
I really enjoyed Get Out this year, but to compare it to Moonlight, Twelve Years A Slave or even Mudbound is a bit of a stretch.
You understate Wilder’s skills, you were wrong about the fight, you didn’t have any evidence, and so on. Take it down a notch.
This dude is nothing like Lil Pump. This guy is more influenced by Onyx and DMX than Lil Pump.
I just grabbed Kiwami steelbook for 20.
Every problem with WWE at this point is because they function like a monopoly. Unresponsive to fans desires around the network, pushing wrestlers that aren’t over, communicating with journalists and the community in general, the resistance to confronting brain injury, it would all be different if there was a new and…
If he is truly healthy, he should play, he signed a contract to play. But if San Antonio is clearing him when he is only partially healed, then they are taking advantage of their star.
NJPW regularly has 30 minute matches and you will find them just as frequently to end feuds in the indies. It is simply the WWE that avoids them and it is a bummer.
And I expect that Hield could make something of his career running around screens and jacking 3s.
Why can’t police just leave? Really, this was over a traffic stop or something?
Why can a 19 year old buy a gun?
The reason I bring up Klimt is to signal an older way of thinking of art history and relation to one’s forebears. When art was defined by apprenticeship and schools, the notion that one had ownership of a style beyond originating it was abstract, thus the sign of greatness was repetition of style and appropriation was…
The original work appears influenced by Klimt.
What a nightmare.
They are both perfect.
You are on a roll today.