
OMG how do I get approved to post here? I’ve been commenting here for a decade (and in the grays since the migration)

I grew to like the original Risk of Rain a lot. Oddly for a roguelite, I think it really benefits from being played on an easier difficulty. The default difficulty gives enemies so much HP that it takes forever to kill them, and the difficulty ramps up so quickly that it becomes tedious.

I imagine you stopped watching The Leftovers before season three to make a claim like that. There are so many great gags, quips, and jokes in the final season.

As much as people love to talk about The Wire, no one watched it when it was on and I bet 99% of TV fans and 80% of critics haven’t watched it since. I don’t see a lot of Treme or Show Me a Hero fans out there either. I’ll watch anything he touches, but even I have to drag myself in front of the TV sometimes (although

I dunno, I’m gay and there isn’t much I would add to this list. Shangela being robbed of the crown was high drama but a little inside baseball for this crowd.

“Shows I Love that My Friends Won’t Watch”

I was impressed by how much Love improved over its run. The ending was perfect

I need a docuseries exploring how wildly the quality of the show fluctuates. The David Spade and Letterman episodes are excruciating, while most of the others are a-okay, especially when the guest is a woman. Is he drinking all those Red Bulls to stay on top of the Xanax? It’s not working.

Succession being immediately dismissed by critics while Sharp Objects got praised was a huge mistake. The opinions started flipping after the first five or six episodes but it was already too late.

This season of Legion was pretty inconsistent but surely better than many of the other shows on the above lists. Baskets never got much credit but it has just gotten better and better over the years.

People seemed turned off by the first couple of episodes but I think they prejudged it as a show celebrating sassy rich fuckers. Then all the critics who dismissed it watched the second half of the season and realized how brilliant, funny, and idiosyncratic it is. The AVClub didn’t even recap it!

It is insanely wholesome and adorable that ODB’s son is performing with them as Young Dirty Bastard.

I don’t know if it fits your interests, but Dead Cells had some of the best platforming in recent memory. Just don’t expect to “win”

Whose dick do I have to blurb to get ungreyed on this thing? I have been commenting here for a decade...

Honestly, it almost literally never does for me. The amount of books I have read because of the cover art, albums I’ve listened to because of the album art, songs I clicked on because of the title - it’s almost like there is a direct correlation between the visual design of a piece of media and its content.

Sounds kinda like A Taste of Tea, another extremely-long light family comedy that unfortunately no one saw. I hope if it comes to my city they’ll show both parts in one long piece.


This was always my least favorite kind of horror movie. Anything tiny, including insects. Critters. That thing from Cat’s Eye. The terrible Ghoulies movie that took place at the fun fair. Yuck!

Remember when the AV Club had content that wasn’t just reporting a tweet or line from an interview from somewhere else?

I dunno, I did finish the series despite diminishing returns but I still haven’t watched the movie. I don’t think the producers understood how much of the joy of the show involved VM interacting with Weevil and Enrico Colantini, not to mention Wallace. Does the world still need sassy early 2000s PI shenanigans?