Enjoy the (relatively) good vibes you are receiving now, Jill. On January 21, 2017 you will return to being a shitty footnote to this shitty election.
OT: Boo-YAH! A federal judge less than an hour ago ruled for an immediate start to the recounting of Michigan’s nearly 4.8 million ballots. Fucking eat it, Donald.
We’re about to have a conspiracy theorist running around in the White House.
Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.
This is what happens when you feed delusion.
Yeah, the only thing I didn’t love about this is how Conway is portrayed. She knows what she’s gotten into and should be held fully responsible for her actions, not made into a somewhat-sympathetic character.
Goddamnit. I seriously can’t remember a day in the last month where I haven’t hated humanity at least once.
“It was her track record and associations. Which, to be fair, isn’t any better for Trump”
“She could have been President, guys.”
On the upside, Trump is so routinely unhinged that maybe other countries won’t find his actions quite so offensive?
Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary under GW Bush:
“If Trump sells out, it’s not our fault” ??? Yes it is, you assholes! That’s why we vote aT ALL! ARGH I CAN’T WITH THESE PEOPLE
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
In a word - violence.
chose to relish in the spotlight and soak up energy from the crowd, growing in size like Shrinky Dink, but evil.
where shall I send my money?
Don’t do that. You might wake up as stupid as these people and no one needs that.