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Yup. And everyone seems to be angrier at Hillary for all of this than the man actually accused of rape. Until that stops being the case, I refuse to let the alleged actions of Hillary’s husband impact my opinion of her as a candidate. And she is still by far the best candidate in this election.

Normally I vote third party (Dems are too conservative for me) but in this election, the most important thing is keeping Trump out of office.

I am curious as to who she would vote for. To me, this election has come down to one issue: keeping Trump out of office. Everything else can be sorted out afterward, but nothing would be as damaging to this country as him getting elected.

Incredibly beautiful and moving, and she is so lucky to have had the resources (financial, social, political, emotional) to have been able to do that.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

When will the pasty corniness that is Taylor Swift abandon the stage and make room for actually talented white girls? I mean, she's so intolerable and a sign of the cultural decay we're living through. Je-sus, she's the worst. Her and Macklemore or however you spell that demon's name.

Being trapped with Leonardo DiCaprio for eternity is indeed my version of Hell.

When I was 26, it meant “do you get drunk and then have sex with strangers?”

I don’t know that there is any great result for anybody.

Can “nom nom”s get a double pox?

You’re supposed to eat it with a knife and fork like you would a Snickers bar.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

Yeah, Maddow covered that in her show last night. It was supposed to be at Mivhigan State, Bush refused, and so Clinyon held a rally at MSU and milked it for all it was worth—including sending people dressed in chicken costumes to Bush rallies.

Didn’t Bill do that in one of his first debates? GHW Bush didn’t show, Bill just did it without him? Something like that anyhow

You’re underestimating the person we're dealing with.

Well, I am glad they asked Eric to clarify his father’s nonsense opinions. I feel so much better knowing sexual harassment happens because most women don’t possess Ivanka’s immense strength and courage. Okay!

“He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a slimy con man.”

I’m starting* to think Trump is a pathological liar. He constantly lies about trivial things, his lies are instantly and easily exposed, yet he continues on as if nothing happened. Take for instance all the supposed speakers at the convention. Right after he says Big Ben and Tebow will be there, it’s immediately shot

There is no better signal to the world that you are total asshole than wearing fur.

I’d have to say it’s a two-way tie for Murder House and Asylum.