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I worked in doctors office. I collected the paper that held the diagnoses for you after you saw the doctor as well as your co-pay. When I told a guy his copay was 10 dollars, he gave me a "bill" and told me to keep the change and basically bolted out.

I'm gonna guess "someone from the midwest". ;)

This is the love child of Seth Rogen and James Franco.


Vandenberg's face is everything I had hoped for.

check out That's the Nashville news station that I've been watching the live coverage of the trials. You should see how surprised that asshole looked when he was found guilty. Made me sick.

Yes. I watched it live. I haven't checked the sites, but the local affiliates are WKRN, WSMV, AND WTVF. I'm sure there will be video.

In Tennessee, aggravated rape is a Class A felony, which incurs a fine of up to $50,000, at least 15 (and up to 60) years in prison, or both. That's 15 years per count.

Honestly, I'm surprised the entire case wasn't thrown out and the boys weren't given medals the way rapes are usually treated. I guess no one could dispute this but we all know how they have tried. I'm only sorry for the rape survivors who are reading this wondering why their rapists are still free and still telling

Obviously, Anderson's Stella is simply incredible. My second favorite actress on the show? Olivia. Girl is adorable and a straight up talented actress. I love her accent too..."Daddy!..."

Thank you for posting this. I've been singing the praises of The Fall since it first aired on Netflix a year and a half ago. Mostly by posting Stella Gibson gifs. ***Spoiler-ish in comment below***

Jimmy Stewart, 'nuff said.


He is SO going to let her fall.

At last, evidence that you should always bring Spears to a knife fight.

I'm 37, and not a serious niche fetishist. But I like being on the receiving end of a rimjob.

If there is anything more despicable and cowardly than this...grown men too pussy to go to their own deaths they have to send a baby to do their mass murder for them. I fucking hope there's a god and I fucking hope there's a hell and I fucking hope they burn in it forever

Oh, my fucking God...

Fuck this woman. No really, just fuck her.