I love this. Thank you.
I love this. Thank you.
Affluence is a terrible affliction. The struggle is real!
Raises hand... please make him just go away. I don’t know what needs to be done to recall him, but my vote for that is yes.
Just watched it now and find myself wiping away some tears. I’m kind of over Lorde, but she nailed this.
The picASSo of butt play!
I think this is a fantastic idea, but how would it work in states where the driving age is under 18 such as CT & NJ?
It could have been just about the money. No matter the reason, she’s a horrible person.
That’s what I see. But, he’s a fucking lying rapist.
Is it possible he can be charged as an accessory?
Congrats! I just don’t care enough to learn and kind of ball it up and throw it on the top shelf of the linen closet.
One of my FB friends posted a photo of herself in a sexy dress, hand on her hip, with the Eiffel Tower in the background. I was disgusted by it, it made me feel ill.
I’m on my second Mirena now and I absolutely love it. It’s been in for nearly two years, and though my periods have not completely gone away (like they did with my first one after about a year) they are very light.
I refuse to click on this “Youtube personality’s” monetized video...
When you refrigerate the stock, doesn’t it congeal into a jello-like substance? If so, wouldn’t putting it in a wine bottle be a pain in the neck when you want to pour some out?
I’d imagine using the term “likeness” would cover everything and prevent any loopholes. But, I’m not a smarmy lawyer...
I can not stand Smashing Pumpkins - Billy’s nasally whine is so off putting. Love Pearl Jam, can’t wait to see them again, they are my fave, too. Nirvana is a good listen once in awhile. Soundgarden is awesome, they’re working on a new album! Hope they plan to tour in support of it (with Matt Cameron behind the drum…