You have unique views and taste. Interesting.
You have unique views and taste. Interesting.
What say you to this?…
So maybe comparisons made between Kojima and directors in the film industry are subject to debate. But can we agree that he's in a league all his own in the video games industry?
What about Canada? And Scandinavian countries? I heard those are pleasant countries, though I may be misinformed.
I've noticed that some of the other gaming journalism sites are reporting this story as "Modders adding visual effects to Watch Dogs" while leaving out the fact that these files were in the game to begin with. Thank you for reporting the full truth.
Nintendo should have done this earlier:…
He is one of my favorite characters in MGS. He does redeem himself in the end, but since I like playing as the villain, I'm very excited to see how he is in TPP.
Depends. Solid and Liquid (David and Eli) aren't perfect clones, though. Cipher took Big Boss's DNA and used it to fertilize an egg of a Japanese woman (Dr. Clark's assistant), which was then implanted into EVA. They are the closest Big Boss has to actual children. Solidus, on the other hand, is a perfect clone. They…
No, I would like more women to get mocap jobs and all. Of course there are differences, but he made it sound like Fem Shep moved like Arnold Schwarzeneggar or something. I didn't see anything wrong with the way she moved in those games.
Trying to make me look like the sexist? Don't.
So how should Fem Shep "properly" move as a woman? Ass and hips swaying with every step she takes? Doing the fashion strut?
His body wasn't ready.
Do they search all their belongings with a fine toothed comb? Do they use metal detectors and pat-downs? How do some of these students get caught? Do they have surveillance cameras set up in the testing room? Police officers watching the room, as well?
Price: Free
Isn't this kid super cute?