
Congrats to the winner! very clever pic... and for some reason I really liked the little edge of the newspaper out (since the bag is not rigid, it actually made perfect sense to me). I also liked the surfboard pic. Great job everyone. 1) Random question: I noticed that for the video challenge and this challenge the

Some great submissions! (check the galleries)—Of the featured ones, my favorites are Niksa's, Brandon's and Nick's (who has already submitted other great ones in the past!). Also, Josh Borts' magic pocket knife is simple but great. Kudos everyone, and 'til next week!

Nice pic Kyle Schmitt! Great background.

@KyleUndefined: I'm on the same boat, but again, makes you appreciate it even more, no? Some of the winners are crazy good.

For someone who failed miserably at this challenge (the -17 windchill made it just painful) I really appreciate how AWESOME all the winners are. I particularly love the lifeguard, new mexico road (unbelievable) and the spark. GOOD JOB!

Amazing job everyone!

@pizzelle: Ha! It was actually my favorite of all. Yes, it's not a new concept, but it was a well taken, fun photograph.

@dantheman12: You're not alone. I like to participate in general so I submitted one for this challenge (the yellow sweater one), but I can't imagine many people will care for it. Oh well, we'll see what's up for next week!

@jesseplee: Agreed. Love the keyboard idea.

@Eddard: HAHAHAHA,. Very true.

@Settings: I'm on the same boat, but I'll give it a shot... learning something new is half the fun no?

My faves: the black and white guitar, the train, the boot AND button, and the marionette.

Alright! Good job everyone!! My faves: #3, you are the indisputable winner, the concept is brilliant. #7 and #49 I think did an awesome job going the 'noble way' and trying to exactly replicate a photo... good work guys! Also #25 and #42. Other mentions: #5 coz the eyes are also green, its tough photographing dogs

@38thsignal: Oh, and if you are one of my work friends, I still appreciate the kind words, hahahahaha. 'Til next week's challenge!

@38thsignal: You totally made my day. I am glad to hear someone else liked it!!!

@OMG! Jakooboo!: I'd love to see the "fall" interpretation from hot states like Arizona or Florida (maybe ONE tree turns yellow? ;-)

@tomsomething: I agree. For me that one was the winner. It's stunning.

Wow. So many favorites. I love the crayons, the eye pics, the beloved duck and other toys, the Vans (just coz I have the same sneaker idea ;-)), the necklace, upstate NYC, Canadian bill, caterpillar (which I hope is still alive :)), CD, old Nikon, Fall leaves, Go red sox (just coz I am from Boston) and the venus fly