
Someone on ONTD pointed out that the made up quotes were made up as far back as 4 months ago, so I think some idiot reporter just stumbled across them and went for it. Miley bugs me in many ways, but those comments were too ridiculous even for her.

Same. I'm experiencing my first winter, and as a fellow fat person, I feel deceived.

Did you, did you really?

I think there are two 'pavements', you step down one as you go out the door (you can see it in the first couple of pics), then another one that's the actual sidewalk a bit further down. I don't know what these things are called, obviously.

The accent ruined this teaser for me. So it's probably just as well that Sleeping Beauty .. sleeps for a good part of this story.

Exactly what I did. Except instead of NOO I yelled WHYYY and thank God the video won't even load for me.


Dude, Dmitri should be way higher on that list. I had the most embarrassing crush on him as a tween, I didn't understand it.

Yeah this reminds me of when one of my two best friends told me that her job was moving her to another continent. I was so happy for her, you know, till she got off the phone and I cried for an hour.

Blackface is racist. Also.. the KKK?!? Really? Are you for real, right now?

I've always been too lazy to do much beyond lip gloss, much to the chagrin of former classmates/work colleagues. But then again, much to my horror, I've stepped out of my house without bathing, and quite possibly still bearing sleep wrinkles, and I've still been hit on - and I'm definitely no Beyonce.

Does the girl being coerced into it make it less of a rape for Chris though... I think we all agree that what happened was wrong, whether she wanted to do it or not.

For some reason this article made me laugh till I had tears in my right eye, though not in my left, for reasons I couldn't tell you.

Eh I don't know. Where I'm from baby girls tend to get their ears pierced within their first year, and it's usually pretty quick, with a piercing gun (not sure how it's done now, but in the early 90s that was the case). Some people feel it beats having to do it when they're old enough to make a fuss about the pain or

Tyler Posey has very nice face. This is very true, and all I have to contribute to this discussion.