
And even if that did, you’d stop playing as Alexios/Kassandra and instead play as the baby.

Even the whole ‘animus needs a bloodline’ idea doesn’t make sense in this context, since (a)you don’t need a bloodline to access someone’s genetic memories anymore, and (b)when your ancestor has a child, the Animus forces you to move onto the memories of that child from conception in the womb until they have children

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood had something like this, where as you slowly wrestled control of Rome from the Templars you gradually reconstructed and renovated the city region by region.

Is there a Macho Man Randy Savage mod for Mr. X?

Stupid question: is this like Agents of M.A.Y.H.E.M. where everyone has their own personalities and brings something unique to the game, or is there any reason to play as anyone other than Terry Crews (because why wouldn’t you play as Terry Crews to begin with)?

People were offended by the name *because* of how you earned the trophy (forcing a baby regardless of player’s orientation).

As of Origins (I think? They kind of dabbled with that in Black Flag), a living descendant or bloodline is no longer needed to access genetic memories in the Animus - all you need is someone’s DNA, whether they be living or dead. For example, Bayek (from what we’ve been shown and told) had no grandchildren, but you

But this isn’t just a mission, this is canonical DLC taking place *after* the game’s story. No matter what you do, no matter what you’ve done, regardless if you’ve bought the DLC or not, whether you want that or not, this is what will happen to your Kassandra/Alexios.

But the worst thing is they already addressed that they don’t need someone’s descendant to relive memories in the Animus anymore. Bayek’s DNA was found from his corpse, and Kassanda/Alexios’ DNA was gotten from their Spear.

And even without the unfortunate LGBT+ implications, that’s still a bit blargh because you, the player, have your agency removed and are thrust into a very personal scenario you might not want at all in a game all about personal choice. Imagine if The Witcher 3 forced you to break up with Triss because canon dictates

“To White Lady Ashley, Jason Momoa wasn’t a man. He wasn’t even the superhero who can breathe underwater or the mythical king of the Dothraki. She reduced him to an “other.” A thing. An exotic vessel whose purpose is to provide temporary joy.”

...isn’t a general human thing? Lots of black people go bald.

And thank goodness for that. The Father’s arc here makes 5's ending... well, not much better, but at least a bit more palatable.

Which is weird, since if I’m supposed to be the Deputy, then I’d sooner let myself starve to death than ever entertain the notion Seed was right.

“here’s your star

That was developed by Team Ninja, but almost everything with the story, writing and characters came from longtime series director/producer Yoshio Sakamoto.

Isn’t Sheik a man?

I’m surprised at the lack of Terry Crews as Doomfist.


Bleeeeccchh, Mother’s Basement really rubs me the wrong way most of the time, and this video is no exception. I feel a lot of his criticisms in this video especially are either already addressed in-game, flat-out incorrect, unfair (seriously, Quantic Dream is more than just David Cage for goodness sake, for better or