Captain Murphy

Good to see Jay getting some work.

“Fine, Chip. We’ll make sure it’s a White Christmas.”

Every time I look at that picture I can hear Sarah McLaughlin...

The Ryan family coaching tree is actually a bonsai Rob keeps in his van next to the foldout bed because “chicks dig that spiritual shit”

2016 is set to be a banner year for the Rex Ryan coaching tree.

Uh, dating? Slow down, slugger. Donny and I are just fucking.

That's because he's dating Anderson cooper

Jokes on him, I’m sitting on the couch with my hog hangin out


I hope your butthurt vaccinations are up to date, because you’re going to get sooooo much Bostonian butthurt.

Fallout 4 is more realistic than I thought.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a meat cleaver is a good guy with a katana.

+1 PSI


I didn’t know Juggalos even *liked* hockey.

If you put a gun to my head I would be forced to admit that Marvin Harrison is the best receiver that I ever saw play and perhaps the greatest football player of all time.

Thanks ESPN for the fight with my wonderful girlfriend about going to a series of New Years parties or watching two of the biggest games of the year.

I’m from AL—not there for 10 years—and I am always amazed about Rosa Parks and her bus boycott. There’s such a terrible public transportation system in AL that I’m amazed anyone noticed.

Yeah, Vandy is such an easy/shitty school. I'd be embarrassed to have earned a degree from there. For real.