Much better than another article about how everything is racist.
Much better than another article about how everything is racist.
I was under the impression that replays in the final two or three innings are called for by the umpires/replay official?
Or we could all be offended by everything!
Whoa, easy with that talk! You better support one of the two parties, and vote for them! But not the racist one. In fact, even if you don’t vote for the racist candidate, you’re racist if you vote someone other than the major non-racist candidate. Take your white privilege elsewhere, and let us vote for the same old…
Seriously? Do you remember US history at all? It’s a libertarian love letter. I’m not even arguing for or against libertarianism (like anything else, it’s complicated). I would argue that the US of legend is a libertarian country. For chrissake, the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence was a libertarian.
You mean the show that where he talks sports with his dad? That’s one of the very few things ESPN does right.
It’s the whole “boy who cried wolf” phenomenon. If you use it for ridiculous situations, no one’s gonna take it seriously (nor should they).
Trigger warnings have been expanded beyond just that use. They are now used in front of anything that could possibly be in the least bit controversial, which obviously weakens their use. Like any “good idea”, they’re ruined by other people trying to take advantage of it.
This is amazing satire
When I was in Chemistry in High School, our teacher gave us an assignment to make up a new element, to test whether or not we understood the basic concepts of the periodic table. My buddy and I named our “element” Turdferguson, and called it Tf. Our teacher was a fan of Norm, and gave us an A.
What is wrong with you?
My friends and I will still giggle uncontrollably at the mere mention of the line “Hello? Real cops?”
The Rutgers University police chief, who is somehow named Kenneth Cop
No prob
I hope not. I want to see what happens.
In order to play for any team, one must first play in a game. I wouldn’t hold your breath with this guy. He has raped women more times than he has returned from injury at the time advised by his doctors
I’m a Giants fan, and I’ll defend to the death the fact Eli is a Hall Of Famer, and has actually had a really remarkable career, both in terms of playoff success but even regular season success. He’ll go down as the best QB in the history of one of the oldest franchises.
Because it’s a lot easier to get upset and outraged about slights, real and imagined (and there are plenty in both categories). It’s hard to get upset about numbers. And sadly, these movements have a lot less to do with facts than they do with emotions. The economic situation is exceptionally dire, and that’s why this…
I honestly wasn’t aware of this show’s existence until I googled “the good place” right after seeing this. Honestly, probably not gonna watch.
Every now and then, I wonder why I read Deadspin still. Hiring the former Gawker writers has not worked out well, and I have yet to see a cross-post from Jezebel that was worth reading. Just yesterday, one of the “suggested posts” was an article about how the Halloween costume for that new Disney movie about the…