Captain Murphy

I knew Griffin would suck. Said it that offseason.

No, she has a gun.

Fun fact! Most American wars have started due to faulty intelligence!

Why can't both be stupid?

I say that about most anyone wearing long hair. I see how you would prefer this to be a race issue though. A lot easier to get outraged if you make something racist.

Say this much about Smoke: He’s killed more white people than black people.

I remember the Joker peeing on the wall part. I went to Kindergarten in 92 or 93 on Long Island, NY

I’d go back to football, man. There are some dumb NASCAR drivers for sure, but I’ve never heard of a NASCAR driver dumber than Frank Gore.

Nice to see Jezebel going through a name change

You found it?!?

And thank you as well. Nice to know there can be civil discussion around here.

I absolutely agree that conservatives can say some really thoughtless things, and my point was that Tim’s comment was just as nonsensical from the liberal side. Conservatives, even the crazy ones (perhaps especially the crazy ones), for the most part, don’t see the anthem as showing support for the state; they see it

Obama wasn’t a senator until January of 2005. He couldn’t have voted, for or against, the war in Iraq.

You know what’s funny? I was actually thinking “while I wish Kaepernick would stand for the national anthem and honor his country, I totally understand and respect his decision. If his stance helps, even in a small way, to shed some more light on issues facing minorities in this country, then it was worth it.”

Gawker was bad. Jezebel is worse. And I can't tell you how disappointed to see that they're still linking to Ashley Feinberg posts. I thought that was easily a top 3 benefit of Gawker being closed down.

True story?

The CBA is ridiculously unfair, and I would fully support the players if it came down to a strike so that they can ask for guaranteed contracts, better safety precautions, fairer discipline systems, and just about anything else.

Off camera. So maybe not?

Was there a joke there? I must have missed it, cause you seem to be using the word “privileged” in a serious manner...

Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s an awful lot of race baiting articles out there, and that’s the one positive to Gawker getting the axe.