Captain Murphy

“Ichiro could hit for power if he wanted to” has always been one of my favorite baseball urban legends, up there with Josh Gibson being better than Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle could have been so much better if he didn’t tear his ACL, X player was actually drunk/hungover/tripping balls when they did that thing.

Drew: Ooooh, AAU ball! That’s the one where they play basketball outside of school! With the shoes and everything! SPOOKY.

Jeez, Sean. What the hell? You're NOT supposed to make eye contact with them! Just keep walking!

I don’t know what you saw, but one man making fun of another’s dead mom counts as a rivalry to me.

Ron Howard: Hey, let’s go inside the LEM. You want to?

Holy shit, is that English?

I used to think that there was no circumstance under which I’d be happy to see Stephen A. Smith and Chris Broussard on my TV, but, Christ, tennis is the worst sport to watch.


It’s conceivable that, in other countries, they take common phrases in major North American sports like basketball, American football, baseball and hockey, and add their own little twist. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Let’s say that, in Europe, they call free throws “free shots” (they don’t, but let’s just say

Hack a Shaq is funny. It is always funny. I hope it never goes away.

It should have been LeBron, every year, since roughly 07. If the definition of an MVP is “the player who does the most to contribute to his team’s success”, then it’s always LeBron. I can understand why Curry gets it with his ridiculous shooting numbers, but LeBron does everything for his team.

With only thirty “consumers”, among many other differences such as salary floors and ceilings, the NBA Free Agent Market is in no way a free market, and is not subject to that kind of platitude. Some players are overpaid (most of the guys on this list) and others are underpaid in relation to their worth.

Donald Sterling: (checks Twitter)

Winter is

Take it easy. That’s obviously not Chris Broussard. Must be some intern.

+ 1 Mjolnir

I spent about 30 seconds trying to figure out how the fuck Joakim Noah reminds you of a dead, ultra-conservative Supreme Court justice. And then I got who you were referring to.

Jezebel sucks

Wasn’t talking shit, just making a dumb joke. I’m a union member myself in my profession, and I happen to think that was admirable of Buddy Ryan.