
"20 Century Fox didn't like Whedon's witty dialogue."

Please don't lump all religious people into the same category as Young-Earth Creationists.

Why should he be consulted? He signed the rights away and has given them his blessing to change what he's written. If anything, the writers have earned his trust as most of the changes have definitely been good changes.

I blame the hexenbeasts.

The size of his bulge needs to be way bigger to match Power Girls boobs.

I think he was redeemed by Alan Rickman's voice. Its just a perfect fit.

Most of the good folks here have already picked out the obvious (and apropos) ones, so I'll go for a more personal bugbear of mine. Marvin the Paranoid Android, like many of Douglas Adams' creations, reads great on paper but remains annoying, unrealistic and unfunny onscreen (though I did like the design they gave him

Not sci fi, but a definite contender at the Jar Jar level - A depiction so annoying and SO racist it practically ruins an otherwise brilliant film. Too soon? (Sorry, Mickey.)

I don't get why people want Warehouse 13 to get "dark" or "serious". It's a show that does light-hearted better than anything else in genre-tv right now. Why change that? Yes, grim and serious stuff is really fun, but a tv diet is like a real diet - you need variety, and that includes things that just make you smile.

Everyone who watches this "Seasonette" (sorry, but six episodes are only a season in Great Britain) should keep in mind that the showrunners didn't know they were getting cancelled until well after the Season 4 finale was in the can. They also had every reason to expect they'd be renewed, as the top-rated scripted

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Yes, and if it gets really large we will have to call it "Large Marge".

"Eventually Peggy may coalesce into a slightly larger moon and move outward, establishing its own orbital path around Saturn. This is how many of Saturn's other moons are thought to have formed much further back in the planet's history. Now, its rings having been depleted of moon-stuff, can only create tiny objects

Eventually it will become Large Marge.

Now that was funny! It's an Irish thing...many won't understand. ;-)

So if it coalesces into something bigger, will we have to call it Margaret?

Oh yes, maybe — I was thinking crow. But dragon seems more apt.

Also, is that the shadow of a dragon in the kings landing shot?