
I think that was a figure of speech, in terms of describing impeding “total obliteration”.

My first question was, “worlds”?

Presumably Fitz, like every single character but our core cast, understands the subtlities of what is happening around them.

It was a soldering gun, maybe the exact one she used to cauterize that wound in the premiere. It seemed to me that it was some sort of interrogation/intimidation technique to indicate they knew she was from the past and wanted to know how many more SHIELD agents there were.

They had nothing to do with Angel? Maybe you’re thinking of Jeffrey Bell (co-showrunner of this show and showrunner on the last two seasons of Angel).

Lmao! This was exactly how I read it

Now playing

“You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal. What a world!“

Gotta say, this season is not thrilling me like the last one.

I’m probably alone here but I’m much less interested in this season than I was expecting to be. Maybe it’s dystopia fatigue from last season, but man, something about this story arc just feels so... Bland.

Kasius is very Hive-like in that creepy calm demeanor they both use. They even have very similar vocal inflections, so I definitely see where you’re coming from.

I would think everyone would be much more shocked that Daisy came from the past than the fact she is the “Destroyer Of Worlds” (jeez, you destroy one planet and suddenly that’s your thing), is time travel that common place in the year 2XXX?

Yeah, I hate that they left us hanging there. (Speaking of blue balls) On the other hand, Ming-Na’s earned a rest.

Hopefully Fitz forced Skin-Suit Alien MIB Guy to tell him how to get back before he jumped into the future after the others.

She’s a killer Kree

Deke’s parents were the leaders of the group preserving the knowledge of the past and believing in the prophecy. Prophecy that the storied Agents of SHIELD from the past will come to save the future. And Kasius killed them all because they were a threat to his absolute rule. All the smart people who could figure

-Loved YoYo’s talk with Mack. She seems to be the only one who understands how this world works. I read a theory about how everyone’s not blending in has to do with actual Framework-related PTSD where it’s literally taking them longer to adjust because it’s much harder to shake off the idea that everything is fake

That interrogation was tense! I almost wanted them to have it be a “Did we just become best friends, yep!” moment of friendship, but would’ve been way too ridiculous. Ridiculously awesome, that is.

Yes. I doubt she would feel guilty about Kilgraves death, or about all the other people who were killed or injured (physically or psychically) because of her mishandling of the Kilgrave matter

Dammit, man, I have a final to take.

I love love love Krysten Ritter as Jessica. Rumor is that Alexandria Daddario also auditioned and was being considered for the role (which I would’ve loved because I cannot stop staring at her once I start), but Krysten kills it. She’s perfect.