
If they had asked any doctor or nurse about this “treatment” they would have quickly learned the truth of the lame lie.

Just read a few of the cretinous takes posted here to see what happens when you give the fans “input”. “Durrrr-urrr-hurrr no more long dreadlocks”...”hurrr hurrr take away the player’s rights”...”durr durrr remove the QB’s skirt”...”durrrr durrr they make too much money”...nothing but slobbering nonsense.

“Take back control of the game from the players and the lawyers and treat them like the employees they are. Meaning follow the rules or find another job.”

“Looks like Hackenberg is shaken up on the play and...wait one gosh darned that JEFF GEORGE’S music?????”

Fuck your mother. So basically you want a pro football league where the talent has no rights whatsoever and just accepts whatever they’re given just because. Is that how YOU live your life? Do YOU have a job where you have no rights and no recourse for anything? I bet not. You’re a typical gasbag moron, spouting off

Meaning follow the rules or find another job. 

I read about this case yesterday on Twitter and I wished that the comments had shocked me. There were so many people that didn’t hold the police all. They actually didn’t believe that the police had the responsibility to assess the situation first. They were perfectly ok with the police opening fire

“I really should have had that LeBortion.”

At least it will be a dry hot seat in 2019.

He’s 31...

Geez, the pitchforks are already out!

So many commenters seem oddly proud not to know one of the stars of the year’s highest grossing comedy.

The ball clearly brushed the ground when Hilton hit the turf. No catch.

Those assholes will have a hard time with this one. On the one hand, they love police brutality. On the other hand, it’s a black guy hitting a white woman. Actually, never mind, the racism wins in a landslide.

I’m guessing those Blue Lives Matters assholes are going to be conflicted as all hell. On the one hand, they’re going to argue that the drunk chick had it coming. On the other, black guy. Truly a Sophie’s choice situation for them.

Maybe Matt Lauer likes the culturally sanctioned opportunity to dress like a woman without his sexuality or gender identity being questioned? Pretty sure I know at least one, likely multiple guys who love dressing in drag on Halloween for just this reason...