This isn’t a thorough article, though, it’s an Erin article. All problems, no solutions.
This isn’t a thorough article, though, it’s an Erin article. All problems, no solutions.
I’m not sure who said it first, but “If you design something to be idiot proof, the universe will design a better idiot.”
Here’s the part you missed. The SUV stopped INSIDE the gates, managed to not be struck by the Northbound freight train, then remained there and was pancaked by a Southbound train. How intoxicated do you have to be to not escape this situation? If there’s traffic blocking you from driving through the gate, get out and…
This is a bad take. The only story here is the idiot who stopped on the track and was oblivious to the oncoming train.
with almost no protection or surveillance around these intersection
The question is, should these trains be traveling at above-freeway speeds through neighborhoods across 178 street-crossings with almost no protection or surveillance around these intersections.
Especially that one. My grandparents were the generation that created the babyboom, so especially that RV.
Anything with seats that fold down into a bed, unless you want to become a grandparent way ahead of schedule.
Don’t even get me started, I grew up thinking that my height was something that they couldnt accommodate. I had no idea I could complain on the internet and people would shame a major theme park lol.
I’m 6'7" and I can’t go on a certain ride at my local amusement park because I’m too tall. You know what I do? I move on. I don’t clamor for a theme park to accommodate me. I can’t do anything about my height, obese people can do something about their weight.
I’m saying companies should be under no legal obligation to handle obese individuals. And if the equipment to handle obese Americans is not feasibly cost effective, that is their right as a business to not spend the money. Just like it’s your right to not give Universal Studios your money if you don’t like.
It’s not questionable at all, there are height and weight requirements for nearly every ride in every legitimate amusement park. For some it’s under 300lbs, for others it’s under 250lbs. This may seem arbitrary, but it’s that way for a reason. What if they made it a “touch bigger”, would a 42" waist be acceptable to…
Seriously, go find me a ride that DOESN’T have specific height, weight, etc. requirements to account for safety and just the simple fact of how the thing was designed.
Yeah because you have no proper arguments you resort to insults
I think the facts speak for themselves. The park doesnt have to accommodate for people of a certain size when it comes to safety. And dont be fooled, im 6'4" with a 42" waistline coming up on 300 lbs. If I saw this and was going to universal, you bet I would be working some of that weight off. Also, if this is a bad…
if they put a risk in their safety, yes
if they aren’t i am saying exactly that
Rides have requirements, height, weight, whatever. Don’t put the target on your own back just because you think it’s unfair. My kids have thought it unfair that they couldn’t ride a roller coaster because they weren’t tall enough, but there’s nothing to be done about it.