Emerald D.V.

I bought a used Nexus 5 off eBay for around $160 a couple of months ago to replace my nearly-dead Evo LTE, and aside from some hardware glitches I’m really liking it so far. Fortunately I work in a job where new phones often find their way onto my desk by themselves (mobile app tester) so I’ll probably get a chance to

Still using my Nexus 5. It still feels new. I see no reason whatsoever for upgrading..

That only came out like a year ago. Do people really replace their phones that often?

The Nexus 5 is so good, I still don’t want to get rid if it, even for this.

Does that mean you just volunteered to review all the gray stuff before letting it be viewable?

The accent is the best part.

Lowkey tho this seems like the type of response you’d see from someone who is tired of race jokes from Black comedians but totally doesn’t mind Chris Rock’s “Black People vs Niggers” joke.

I don't think you remember Kilborn on the daily show. Although Jon Stewart took it to another level, Kilborn was excellent, so much so that no one thought Stewart could possibly measure up when he started

This is a top-tier white guy response to a racism joke.

It’s almost like their race is relevant to their daily lives, or it somehow influences their subjective experiences! I mean GEEZ, kinda boring for us Default Americans who can go our entire lives without needing to consider how our skin color might factor into things like hailing cabs or encountering the police! They

I would say that that was a pretty solid debut... his timing is a bit off though.. rushing a bit ... probably nervous etc.. but that sort of stuff get’s ironed out with time.

If you told me a few months ago that Noah would do better in his first Daily Show than Colbert did in his first Late Show, I’d have said you were nuts. But it happened. Noah was really good until the interview, which was awkward and felt pointless. He’ll have to work on that. But otherwise, that was an encouraging

Just reading that sentence made my dick retract to somewhere near my lungs.

Don’t get too riled up over this. Rush is losing markets right and left. In markets where he’s been dropped by a major station, if possible his syndicator shifts him to any station they own, no matter how small and unpopular. His days are counting down.

He is always this crass. This is absolutely tame for the vitriol and idiocy that normally spews from his mouth.

Come on, it’s Rush. He just spews shit for funsies, he doesn’t believe any of it. He’d probably rather be snorting Oxys on the beach, but as long as people keep listening to his shit, he’ll keep delivering it and getting paid. Whatevs.

True, but that’s a dumb critique for an organization that stands orthogonal to modernity and politics. Fact is, our secular and postmodern capacities for criticism simply aren’t adequate for an analysis that doesn’t work within the discourse of the church. It’s like trying to criticize Marxism to a Marxist without

Benedict was not the first pope to voluntarily resign. Celestine V in 1294 was.

I said the same thing about Lance Armstrong.

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