Deer or deer!

“Guys, it’s obviously real, how can you not tell?”

When I go skating, the only badonkadonk you’ll notice is the sound of my head hitting the ice.

Bearing witness is an important part of helping people cope with trauma. Telling their stories and feeling heard may actually help their recovery, long term.

This bit seems a little irresponsible: “Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s civilian leader and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, lacks the authority to fully address the situation—though a Human Rights Watch spokesman asserted that she has allowed herself to be misled about what’s really going on”

No KD fan here, but this headline is hot garbage. Security did their job and stuck KD in a side corridor and tried to defuse the situation. There was no running and hiding. Just another lame-ass hot take headline from the crew.

“Security officers, aware that trouble was brewing, quickly diverted Durant to a small corridor as several others slowed Cousins’s progress.”

On top of all of this, California just recently change the law so that if a performer knowing exposing another performer HIV/AIDS, the punishment is the equivalent of a parking ticket.

He made a promise. Not a threat. Big difference.

Yes, men tend to be drawn to the woman wearing the most clothing, while ignoring the woman in the low cut top, in the short skirt, in the bikini, that’s everyone’s experience, right, because that’s accurate, isn’t it? I’m told there are is a whole industry of illicit photos and magazines and videos catered to men’s

No, that’s something a racist like you would think. I’m saying that pro sports offers opportunities for those who want it and have limited options because of how disadvantaged they are. ie come from broken homes or the victim of white racist cops planting drugs on them

And furthermore most if not all of the women professional leagues are buoyed up by the mens league. I mean does anyone think the WNBA is actually a financially stable product without being kept afloat by that NBA money? Look at all the professional soccer leagues in the last 15 years everytime there’s a world cup and

You want to know why we don’t have an F1 championship for only women?

F1: Driving isn’t about physical strength. Your car does the strength stuff for you!

You get an F1 Car, You get an F1 Car, You are all getting F1 Cars! - Oprah when this plan succeeds.

..... So you disagree that putting spyware on your partner’s computer to spy on them is abuse?

Here is the problem I have with this piece, in the particular example of Emma Cline: She admits to having been an abusive partner and spying on her exboyfriend in order to find out whether he was cheating.

“When we have the microphone,” she says, “how often do we pass it back to the people who are experiencing a different challenge, but who are equally worthy as having the microphone?”