Deer or deer!

I laid out the consequences of this new law as it is. It is impractical the way it has been described in this article. You have no answer to that, so you attack me. You’re the immature one.

How is this trolling? I’m using logic and you have no answer.

Wait a minute, not only were you eavesdropping on conversations between teenage girls and their sex lives, which in and itself is rather sketchy behavior on your part, you could also identify the age and motivation of their respective boyfriends? How did this work? Did every girl add the age to her boyfriends name?

from teenage girls aged 12 to 18

Now playing

Clearly, white people and dancing doesn’t jibe, so please dear black people, show us this step thingy

25 yo math teacher newbie vs 45 yo math teacher with 20 years of experience on the job - doing the same job, while holding the same job title. Both would be paid the same, until their employer could lay out in detail why they should be paid differently and they had to do so for every employee. Should be fun!

They can’t, that’s the point. Same job title, same money.

To get started, they’re making it illegal to pay men more than women doing the same jobs.

Stop with your ‘horrific’ qualifiers for every alleged case of sexual harassment/assault. If we can agree that this is horrific, then the stuff going on at Vice cant’t be called ‘horrific’ as well, because it’s not even remotely on the same level. Words should have meanings. We need certain terms to classify events of

What a heartwarming story, but what would have happened, if Matt Lauer would have been in her place at this event and had done to a bikini clad woman what she did to a man? Can you say objectification and sexual harassment, bordering on sexual assault?

More generally, badly-made big budget films have taken clear precedence to studios.

Never claimed I was. The truth can be harsh.

Having tried as hard as I could, I still might be alone forever.

LBJ is still the man - looks like brick wall, folds like a house of cards.

It’s not wanting to sing about otherness that irks people, since there is no a rule for artists to solely express themselves through their own experience, but the criticism is about Cher using the most obvious steretopyes to do so.

Yeah, I guess it’s ok to wear a poncho and a sombrero for Halloween in 2018 as a non-Mexican person, because nobody in their right mind would take this seriously as an emblem of Mexican culture... 

When a potentially false accusation could cost you a high seven-figure per year job, then that’s totally why he would have chosen to enter into a confidentiality agreement.

I just feel bad for any woman man who comes in contact with this dude woman if what is said is true a lie.

Unrelated? Winslet has been accused to work with a guy who had been accused of a sex crime by his vindictive ex and her family and the other example shows another actress (who is almost canonized by the jezebel staff as of lately) having done exactly the same, working for a convicted rapist and you have the nerve to

Allen never lived with Farrow under one roof. He has denied having been a father figure to Soon-Yi. You also should know that the claim of ephebophilia (sexual interest in mid- to late adolescents) does not jibe with the accusation of Allen sexually assaulting then 7 yo Dylan Farrow. That would be known as pedophilia.