Billionaire begging for money.
Billionaire begging for money.
Halle Berry giving full “Anne Heche is in your bushes looking for Celestine” realness.
The thing that makes me question that statement is *Pepsi*. Doesn’t Coke own her soul (such as it is) as far as soda company endorsements go?
Like Trump would ever turn down an opportunity to get money.
Common, he’s trying too hard....not freaky weird, he knows what he’s doing. It’s obvious.
The mother of this new baby is 29 and Jagger's oldest grandchild is 24. That's... something
“at a Pepsi event celebrating World Emoji Day.”
This sentence makes my orifices bleed.
“They’re both happy and free together,” she said
Klayman argued that mentioning the very existence of systematic racism is unto itself an incitement to spread “anti-white” hatred—and that as a supporter of the BLM movement, Obama is responsible for spurring on a “race war.”
These rightwing extremists are frothing at the mouth because they think they’re finally getting their race war. It’s terrifying to me to see grown men get so excited about the possibility of such a terrible thing.
It definitely takes some balls to claim that mentioning racism is inherently racist. What a lunatic.
Half molted parakeet; as in its feathers are falling out, or half molten; like its some kind of angry fire spirit?
I’d call him “a bag of crazy barely held closed with an insanity bow,” but he’d probably sue me.
Goddammit, fully-fund mental health treatment in this country already.
This is the same creepy guy who refused to pay child support, and may have touched his children in their swimsuit areas, right?
The way that guys like this complain all the time, you’d think that white Christians were a persecuted minority. Instead of the majority and the holders of most of the political offices in the USA.
The phrase “anti-white” is such a massive red flag I’m comfortable stating anyone that uses the term seriously is a racist. There’s no other usage in contemporary English but the racist one. You can’t pretend it’s a neutral term.
Ooh, ooh, ooh. Can I sue him, the KKK, Republicans, and white Americans in general for hundreds of years of racial oppression, unequal opportunities, violence, subjugation, theft, battery, misuse of our tax dollars not going to education, slander, libel, and murder? And can I file 2 since I'm also Native American?
Ugh. These auditions to become Donald Trump’s obscure pick for VP are getting a little ludicrous now.
The Conservative Christian part should explain it all. You have to be one extremely racist ass to even think the way of this man. Some people are just absolutely nuts I guess