Deep Frustration

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

Funny, when my brother got mugged not once but twice, my parents never questioned the fact he was walking home alone late at night or that he had cash on him. The police took his statement like business as usual. My mother wanted to “catch the bastard that did this.”

Lol, look up “white sharia” and change your calculus. 

Do you really think so, though? Because when it comes to women it feels like everything moves really fucking slowly. I’m betting about 100 years before everyone’s blase about it. 

the thing that most powerful people want to do with power is use it to tell other people to shut up 

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

Or a complete lack of rub, as the case may be.

To a neo-fascist “conservative”, the Rojavans/SDF/Kurds are probably worse than ISIS*. The slogan of Rojava is “there is no revolution without women”. They are in many ways more progressive, egalitarian and secular than any western nation. Their existence proves that the patriarchal, autocratic and capitalistic

I’m guessing you don’t have children. I’m a doctor, and I have posted pictures of me and my family on social media; for whatever reason, many of my patients get comfort from seeing me in a different context.

There is zero reason for them to constantly post pics of the children online.

Grown men were talking about putting hands on a child. The Thunburg situation isn’t about a teenager not being able to handle criticism. It’s about grown men having a sick obsession with dominating young women. GTFOH

This is classic TERF/transphobe tactics: find the most extreme possible example, get someone who is casually ok with trans folks to go along with it, and then try to portray them as agreeing with you. Hillary Clinton has actually worked to measurably improve trans lies, I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt

Why do these people become teachers?  I never understand it.  If you know you don’t like minorities why would you work in a public school where you know you’re going to have to interact with them?

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

“I am not as comfortable with this one as the last one.”

It’s Glenn. The guy on the thing. Calling it now. He was listed in the credits, but not in the episode. He’s the guy at the end.

In season 3 she does an absolutely flawless non regional American accent.  I’m kind of disappointed that her followup to this show is going to be a mean spirited game show that will probably last half a season.

It’s so odd to think that Jamil hadn’t really acted before this show when she seems to effortlessly nail a moment like that alone-at-the-party story.

I have Republican friends.  I don’t have any that are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, which is the key difference that you choose to pretend not to understand.

This has nothing to do with the fact that he is a Republican.