
How about IMAP support for grabbing mail from other servers? I feel kinda dirty every time I have to fetch mail using POP3 (yes, you heard right) from my university's exchange server. Anyone know why this hasn't come? (and frankly, I don't think it ever will)...

Apparently, she's Greek. Awesome.

I assume you will have to leave your GPS on the whole time? Anyone care to predict some battery life forcasts for Android phones?

Yea, and if you need an intern or anything, I'm gonna be in London at the time. Just sayin.

There's probably millions of parents like this that we don't know about, killing or abusing kids every day. VERY weak.

I hear you mate, and I agree

I am definitely blocking yahoo answers. I always stupidly click on the search result, because it seems to be exactly the question I am looking for, but there is never ever ever ever ever EVER a good answer. And its always near the top of the results. NO MORE!!

For those who like speed and firefox, try pale moon. Ti's essentially firefox optimised for windows machines and new cpus. It's firefox, but faster.

fox. why am i not surprised?

I hope this is going to be as unintrusive as possible. What I like most about Google (meaning everything google: gmail, docs, maps, tasks, etc) is precisely the lack of social features. I hope the internet isn't going to facebookize even more, and fill up with diggs and likes and +1s.

Unless it's Apple changing screws on your iPhone

A very good observation, but one that makes tremendous sense if you think about it:

You're used to maaasive OS drag-ons. I blame XP for this. With Vista, no one could wait to get out of that nastiness soon enough. You do speak truth though, my university just adopted Windows 7 this year, looks like they might skip 8 altogether if it comes out within this year.

message from Bill O'Reilly: SILENCE INFIDEL!!! Theres no such thing as evolution. Yeah, we all had tails and they fell off, right...

Couldn't agree more. I can't see why anyone would want something like this. I already hand over way too much data to google. I certainly don't want them knowing about my buying habits too. Have you seen the movie 'gamer', where there's this kid, and hes playing online, and his experience is one of constant

Very appropriate choice of music, then again, when can you go wrong with Dave Brubeck?

I'm no expert, but I don't think amplifier is the right word. The signal is still the same power, but the waves are being focused somewhere. Any electrical engineers here to confirm or correct?

Oh, is that all I have to do?

oh, is that all i have to do?

couldnt have put it better