
I appreciate you saying that, but I myself was only able to put that post into words because of a Ted talk from this person:

I'm so sorry about the sobbing! And you feel embarrassed, because if you're a GOOD mother, you're supposed to have it completely together at all times.

What 18 year old guys are hanging around with 13 year old girls?

The first baby is the hardest, because you think that the baby's needs always, always trump your own.

That's what I was trying to say in another post, but you encapsulated the feeling well. You can't self-diagnose. You can't even respond appropriately to your OB asking you if you feel depressed, because you don't think you're depressed. You just think that these feelings that the world is awful and terrible are

I'm a science geek, and I read an unfortunate article about ten real and present global dangers. One of them was a scenario in which a volcano on an island in the Atlantic ocean was active, and in danger of erupting and thus catapulting about 90 tons of precarious rock on the island shelf into the ocean, triggering a

That sounds like an appropriate response to a child that is so difficult.

HAHAHA! I know. So astute, these medical professionals.

Exactly. The OB asked me all the questions about PPD. Are you unusually sad all the time, are you scared you're going to hurt the baby, etc. And yet, I had PPD and didn't realize it until later. I wrote another post about the way I felt after my baby was born, but it wasn't until I had (luckily, sponteneously

I've had four children. After my last one was born, I spent months feeling like everything was horrible. My life was horrible. The littlest things were tremendously, over-blowingly, overwhelmingly awful, and were in itself signs that my future was going to be awful.

Honest question: When did we put the onus of parenting on schools? Why aren't we telling parents to talk about this with their kids?

I don't understand what you're trying to say. And frankly, I do agree with the dress code, but not for the reasons they give.

OH MY GOSH I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. My baby can only drink whole, and I'm not about to have four different versions of milk in my fridge right now, so I drink whole and IT IS SO DELICIOUS YOU GUYS.

Also, this woman had done a lot of things "right" - like traveling with a male, being middle class, etc. So even by following the unspoken rules, you can still get brutally raped and killed, this scared the remaining population into using newfound social media infrastructure.

You're right. Color me embarrassed.

Why would you advertise this and give them more hits?

Wait, why can't people be aroused by someone who's fully clothed?

Google Dionne Galace ( She had a blog that had listed romances by grades, and if you read the A stuff, you'll do fine. She gives great reviews, but hasn't updated her blog in a long time.

That's for the serials, like Harlequin and whatever else there is out there.

I know! They make such good wigs these days! This wig doesn't (1) look silvery blond, just a weird yellowy blond (2) have a part! Normal hair parts, and she just has this weird cap thing that they try to disguise by having some updos all the time.