Scott Scanlon Goes Country

Fucking Marin. Same shit in Berkeley. SMH.

I read this story yesterday and it made me so angry. She shouldn't have to justify not breastfeeding to anybody. Simply not wanting to breast-feed is enough of a reason, honestly. Formula is perfectly adequate food and a child will still get everything he/she needs to grow and thrive.

Also, separate issue so another reply: there is a crazy theory going on with adoptive moms taking large doses of hormones to produce milk that has zero antibodies or even really much nutritional benefit just because "breast feeding is best", and I find the whole thing insane.

The chief neonatologist at the very respected teaching hospital where I had MiniMinkoff poo-pooed my suggestion that it seemed my milk supply was simply not coming in sufficiently to feed Mini told me, "Nonsense. Any woman walking down the street out there can produce enough milk to feed that baby tomorrow. You have a

Can you imagine the poor baby licking the mom's armpits? I don't wanna overuse the Nathan Fillion gif, but fuck.

Yeah, that bitch be crazy and should have been fucking fired, honestly. She should NOT be hanging around new mothers, bullying them and handing out "helpful" pearls of wisdom like that. Like, really? She should feed the kid through her own body at all cost, by lactating through her ARMPITS? What the FUCK, lady?

Gawd, and I thought I was pissed when a woman who walked by me while I was buying "curbside" strawberries (from a field hand who drove to a snotty/hippy Marin county town to sell them) barked at me, "THEY ARE NOT LOCAL, NOT ORGANIC AND INEDIBLE." Uh, I'll decide what toxic shit to put in my body, but thanks for your

"It may come out anyway, or through your armpits,"

Anecdata! My Mom breast-fed three of her four children, but got poison ivy when the second child was 2-3 months old and had to stop. She is super smart and healthy and great (although she actually does have exercise-induced asthma, so that's interesting to know that there is a higher risk for asthma that correlates

How about people mind their own business? There some judgy folks out there. Holy shit.

I'm sorry but am I reading this correctly? A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL advised her that milk would come out OF HER ARMPITS??!! This issue has now jumped the shark and I think we can all go home because we're clearly done here.

No no no no, Love Gwen ..This is so beneath her. This is crap gaga or the rest of tired wannabes would put out.

She is the female counterpart to Adam Levine

#neverforget #hollabackgirl

Seriously, Geena Davis is adorable. She is super smart, an archery champ, and looks like a bunny when she smiles. I dare anyone to not like her! And the 3 women that OGAF mentioned are... intensely disliked. In the case of Scarlett Johansson and Zoe Saldana, I'd say by most even.

She's not even a Southern Belle and doesn't have any claim to Southern culture whatsoever, for better or for worse. That's what struck me as the most preposterous thing about that whole dumb plagiarized article. She's from Burbank. Go write some purple prose romanticizing In n' Out or Universal City Walk or all the

I can respect that. I reviewed the song on my music blog and I dug it, especially Dev's Prince like guitar solo at the end. But I totally understand if you don't like it.

i'm not feelin' it.

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