
Um, thanks for condescendingly speaking for all of us Pacific Northwesterners?

Don't you think RL Stine was more making fun of people who use Bitcoin? Maybe I'm being too generous...

If by "differently" you mean contemptible and disgusting. . .

Since I don't know who half these people are, I like to read these like they're an old-fashioned small-town newspaper gossip column.

Not gonna lie: I would wear the fuck outta that Cosima DNA dress.

This latest video has only reinforced my deep confusion at her dating Robert Pattinson.


Boris! He has a nose seam!

The former. I wish it were the latter.

Yeah, and that's the thing: from their language, they pretty clearly don't get it. Or at least they don't get it the way I'd want them to. So vomitous.

It is real, I am so sorry. I thought it was a parody or something at first and had to double and triple check, because what in the actual fuck. They were hiring recently, which is how I found out about it.

This is a thing that actually exists:

I think we all know that Kris is just a front for the real mastermind behind all of this.

Right, because race and racism nevvvvver factor into cultural standards of beauty.

I was actually referring to scholarships for college. I am a big advocate for public education. But in this case? Whatever school environment, K12 or otherwise, would be best for these girls is A-OK with me.

Dear State of Arkansas: file child abuse charges against these scumbags posthaste, because isolating a child for hours on end IS abuse.

Also, pretty darn sure that's her daughter off-screen at one point, so daughter knew and approved of this video and is likely not mortified.