
For men, sexual harassment is different. That shit happens and people make it a joke, to be honest. Even the victim may find a way to laugh at it. Men have a way of making other men feel like a joke when they say they’ve been in a sexual situation they don’t want to be in and so it’s not taken as seriously.

So? He probably immediately regretted saying it. Like, are we finding ways to make him more of the bad person in this situation?

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Is it not already competitive? I’m not is into online gaming as I used to be, someone educate me.

This guy

It ain’t our job but who the fuck else gonna do it

I love my dad, I’m black tho so I don’t have the orange crust issue

Yeah shits wild, we never forget or cell phones though.

fuck outta here

The internet has not “trained” me to do anything. I just make art for arts sake and don’t get involved with things that don’t interest me that make me feel exploited. If someone wants to spend their time doing this, that’s on them, but I’m not going to waste my time being outraged on something I don’t have to do.

says rumple dickskin

Read muh fucka

Dumb shit, tho.

Then dont do it?

Nobodys forcing anyone and they let you know beforehand sooo..

You must be 6?

You arent brutally murdering anyone since its actually a video game so

Heres what i posted