
They arent hitting you over the head with it. Its okay

No matter how you word it its pretty disappointing that this is how most secrets are discovered.

Aka we really wanna blame EA somehow.


Southern isnt a race.

Uuuh. Slavery was a little different than this situation. Dont be that guy.

“Coulda coulda coulda”. Whatever

Do ya research

Its aimed towards kids. Some people still make things for kids.

You already did

A bullet is a pretty permanent solution to a possible problem that had no evidence.

Wow, you really comin at Aziz?


You say that like it’s that simple

He sucks

Swg :[. I played on Bria

Nah, this is not what the video was trying to do at all and your comment is the definition of bullshit. You can spread awareness of suicide without finding a dead body and making jokes about it

Whoooaaa, that’s a load of crap. But Nah, dk3 isn’t that good. I should know, I’m playing it as we speak. But it’s okay to like it. I still like it

Damn dude

I was going to say the same thing! Kotor 2 is my top, tho