I love stories like this.
I love stories like this.
Before I was even in to cars, I had a deep and undying love for the McLaren F1. It was the coolest thing on four wheels (or any number of wheels really) in the 90’s and the more I found out about it, the more I loved it.
No, it’s pilot-speak for “Bombs Away!”
Thanks, I didn’t know that. (not Mika, the other thing)
Any decent rally really...
Two things, 1 - I cannot believe that McLaren still flys this thing all over the world and let’s people drive it. If I owned it, it would never leave Woking.
Much much simpler to hire a hundred guys with AK’s and a bunch of trucks to steal all the cars and put them on a tramp freighter, just say the crew is hostage and no one will stop you before you get to China.
Of course I want a more fuel efficient car - I just don’t want to give anything up to get it.
Hmmm, do they do these in the South?
Give me a half a dozen suburbans with aftermarket front bumpers and I will stop this once and for all...
Thanks, I was wondering if they end up as parts on ebay or if there is a secret underground car-buying network.
Going to a rally seems like something a lot more fun with a group of friends.
Realistically, what happens to cars like this? Are they sold to private collectors or do they end up as parts like the article said? Does anyone know?
You know, we Americans do not do super cars often, and when we do, it is sometimes a halfway effort. But when we put our minds to it, by God do we make world beaters.
I, for one, will miss you and your lovely ladies.
How is saving a parking spot illegal?
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Don’t forget the “Low Pass” story!
Honestly, if this only operated at less than, say 15 mph, I’d really like it. Something to let me read while stuck in a jam would be really great. Just put a speed limit on it.
That sounds like a great comedy action movie, with the hero repeatedly stymied by modern safety devices until he (or she) climbs into some antique crapcan and escapes the bad guys because they can’t leave their own lane or ram him off the road because the autobrakes stop them.