
The reason is that you can’t play it. It’s easier to hate things than to stomach jealousy.

Fair enough. We all have personal standards and they’re all a bit different. There are popular aesthetics or even storytelling styles that make me go “meh” as well. See: Harry Potter or pretty much anything anime.

Me trying to tell you that “you’ll love Horizon once you play it” is no better than the endless parade of

He’s not. He just wants to justify shitposting. No matter how good a game may be, how many props it gets or how many folks it makes happy, their will always be edgelords who act as if they are soooo oppressed by having to deal with a game that doesn’t appeal to them.

The question should be why you are clicking on articles about a game you don’t like and reading them.


How do the contacts taste? C’mon, Fahey. Gotta get the whole picture here.

I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time Link has had a motorcycle:

If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of thousands of Unity projects being launched to recreate that 2D Zelda.

man, i hope so

“Well excuuuuse me, Princess” *wails on air guitar*

Anyone want to bet that this will serve as their prototype for Zelda Maker?

Kek is another way to say “lol”

$800 for a portable current gen console with a screen.. that does other things a console can’t.. that’s a pretty good deal.

“It plays games.”

Oh Nintendo, what have you become...

Why would you want Zelda to look more realistic? Would you want Studio Ghibli movies to be live action instead of animated? I’m happy with how it looks.