Monster Man Enishi

So, a few things:

Theres one conservative place on the TV and not on the internet and its owned by disney.

as someone who is quite fond of Jesus worship and is not conservative, leave us out of your count, there are a lot of progressive Christians who want none of what conservatism is.

Gina Carano did a speedrun from “mildly popular bit actor” to “conservative troll”. Same arc as Kevin Sorbo but in a fraction of the time. Like, I respected her stuntwork in the otherwise boring-as-hell Haywire, and she was getting some pretty major gigs up through the Mandalorian, and she couldn’t wait for her career

Ah, i think i realized the disconnect, maybe.

We’ll always have Romi Park. 

Just watch the sub like a true weeb! 

I don’t know if you’ve ever played games by pretty small teams that had popular multiplayer explode, but a LOT of them are almost immediately overwhelmed by cheaters, and die pretty quickly. This is because the teams simply don’t have the resources to effectively respond. Companies like Bungie spend literal millions

It can’t be helped. If AMC or any other large company bought Right Stuf, they’d do the exact same thing. No large company wants to be seen selling porn. It’s bad for business. Right Stuf was owned by Dark Lord Kleckner, it was a private company, now it’s part of an LLC that’s 95% owned by a publicly-traded company.

Sorry I didn’t make it clearer - it’s not that Putin is trying to get anyone to overtly side with Russia. He just knows that his Russia is an incompetent kleptocracy that can’t actually create anything positive (just look at the pathetic state of their once proud space program), so the other option is just to destroy

It’s just more sadness as another previously enlightened multicultural country (perhaps the most multicultural on Earth) follows the path of the US, the Phillipines, Poland, India, Brazil, the UK, Turkey, Tunisia, etc. into being a proudly stupid racist reactionary shithole where all the proudly uneducated people

How about if people want it you not go out of your way to dissuade people out of wanting to be excited about it by feeding negativity.

My wife’s been in healthcare for over 15 years. In nearly every hospital she’s worked at, the doctors (easily the highest paid employees in the building) get free lunch, while everyone else has to pay. It makes zero fucking sense.

Have you learned nothing? It’s only pedophilia if it’s a same sex offender, or if the victim is a boy. Underage girls always want it and are to blame for ‘seducing’ the poor men who can’t help themselves. 

Congratulations Republicans!

Some context for confused non-Americans reading this.

In America, our ability to afford doctors is tied up to our employers (should you be fortunate enough to be employed) and even then, most employers choose the cheapest available care. We’re talking no vision, no dental, specific doctors that are “out of network”

As usual, far-right politicians are so dumb with their stupid persecutory delusions they are incapable of not shooting themselves on the foot publicly even when it’s completely unnecessary.

It’s not like rage and overreaction is the thing people like him feed on and rely on to remain relevant!

It is if your penis is out when you do it...