When I saw the smaller thumbnail for the story I thought it was a Star Wars/FireFly mash up.
When I saw the smaller thumbnail for the story I thought it was a Star Wars/FireFly mash up.
That old Toonami promo is a bit misleading, as it mashed together 3 different incarnations of the franchise, The original Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA (Original Video Animation, sometimes shown as OAV), The Tenchi Muyo! TV Series known as Tenchi Universe domestically, & Shin Tenchi Muyo! (or Tenchi in Tokyo…
Tell that to me a few years ago when my Apple laptop got delivered to the hospital that was 8 blocks away from me, the address were not even close, called FedEx, they had no explanation, but it would take a few days to straiten out, so I said screw it & went to the Hospital myself & picked it up. Both delivery…
But Emoji are Japanese, made by Japanese, so there technically is no white people either, except the couple of blonds anyway. However, I see no problem with adding other races to them as well, but this isn't a raciest issue either. As stated, they were created in Japan, for Japanese people, that's why there is so many…
Wow, what a mess, but one thing that got me is that in videos it looked like a Crysis 2 mod, I mean is it? When they showed the gun load out options it looked exactly like Crysis 2, I don't know, but this thing is a train wreck.
Well, they're better then the drawings this one kid did in middle school where he gave them nipples... he must have been related to Joel Schumacher.
3 1⁄2-inch floppy discs, I loved the sounds they'd make. I also miss CRT monitors, if only for the fact that they had no native resolution & looked good at any size, something I wish flat screens could do.
I love when they match it up perfectly like this, I've always hated mash-ups where they had more then one character doing the same voice, this one was spot on & great!
Also our "classified" space stuff doesn't randomly fall from the sky.
Regarding HL3 or HL2:E3, like others have stated, it's not a matter of when it's done but a matter of communication. It's started to feel more like a social experiment then a game production. Like a test to see how long can they hold out without releasing one grain of information, or to see how long fans froth over…
I'm so torn on this, I'm one of the brainwashed who likes the "cinematic" look of 24fps, but understands the appeal of the 48fps (mainly with the 3D). I don't even know if my theater(s) will offer a choice, but I'm guessing with the 2 screens it'll be 24fps 2D & 48fps 3D. I have yet to see it, but I hope to soon, & I…
My thoughts exactly, they seem to love to just build cities as quickly & as cheaply as possible, & then have no one live in them.
Cassini was launched in 1997, so it's pretty behind as far as technology goes, also Titan has a thick atmosphere, so this is pretty good for a 15 year old space probe.
That's pretty amazing, something so simple, yet such a revelation. I wonder what it sounds like, just like a normal river on Earth, or would the composition of this moon's environment give us something different?
I was just there mid November, I saw the construction of this new part of the park when I was there, my friends said it was supposed to already be open, but I guess it wasn't, bummed I missed this. What I really missed there was the weather, it was like summer every day.
Don't give them any ideas man!
Perception, when the moon or sun is low in the sky, you have the horizon loaded with references that make the said objects appear large then when they are high in the sky where there is no point of reference. However if you were to hold finger & measure the moon, it would be the same near the horizon or high in the…
Is he in a movie? Not yet.
Okay, I thought that picture was rotting food, it did not trigger not trigger my appetite, even know that I realize it's just food, still looks gross.