
I’ve noticed that even kids shows with anthropomorphised animals have slapped bows and long lashes on the characters. :/

I was late to the Jonesparty, but psyched to see her profiled in the New Yorker recently, and also, that Naked and Afraid thing with Peter Dinklage nearly killed me. She’s hysterical.

I had to cover my mouth with my hands when the no lenses joke and the covering his eyes so he wouldn’t hear joke came together because I started to spit out my water.

I think one reason I like this movie is I’m really happy for these women. They are super talented, extremely funny, over 25 and I want good things to come their way.

Jesus fucking Christ. The fact that the judge called it “one of the saddest cases I’ve ever encountered” while talking about the RAPIST, not the victim, is nauseating. He seems genuinely distressed he couldn’t just say “boys will be boys”and let them off scot free.

There were also a ton of great Easter eggs. The more I think about it the more I love the movie.

Thank you for letting me know this, I think I’ll go see it in IMAX 3D the next time around.

I really enjoyed her in the movie and I hope she can use it as a jumping off point for bigger and better things.

She was definitely something to behold in the movie. I hope it makes both her and Leslie stars so I don’t have to watch SNL anymore.

Polygon had am article the other day about how it’d become impossible to criticize the movie and I’m over here like for something that’s impossible a whole lot of people are doing it.

I heard that Paul Feig is sneaking into people’s houses like a reverse Santa Claus and stealing the OG Ghostbusters movie and replacing it with the new one. He’s also going to destroy every copy of the old one so no one can ever see it again!

They were like 5, I think they genuinely didn’t know. But she doesn’t seem all that butch to me, it’s fascinating how quickly kids are indoctrinated with the gender binary.

She is so fantastic. SO. FANTASTIC.


After taking my four year old son to see it I asked which was his favourite ghostbuster. He pointed to Chris Hemsworth. His male privledge is fine.

YES. So many meta jokes. And what better way to stick it to MRAs who will hate the movie no matter what than to make the villain a misogynist?

Yeah, the first-world-problem is strong with that crowd. Your childhood - your idyllic, Western, privileged motherfucker childhood - was retroactively RUUUINNNED by this? Grow the fuck up bros.

Because that only for the Thursday late showing. Now you have 3 full days.

Can I just say that I’m so happy for these ladies but especially for Leslie. This woman has kept me laughing for over 10 years now. I used to watch her on Youtube and never understood why she never made it to the big times. Here she is and she’s doing it well. Stay winning sisterfriend!