No, dumbfuck. This country was founded on the idea that a governmental body heavily intwined with a preferred religion wouldn't impose one belief system over another.
No, dumbfuck. This country was founded on the idea that a governmental body heavily intwined with a preferred religion wouldn't impose one belief system over another.
Nobody cares about your high school.
Sorry, nope. Basketball uses the basketball rulebook instead of the football rulebook. Crazy, I know. Flagrant 2 is ejection, not a suspension.
Yes, that's the important thing.
Sorry, but this a stupid comment. He had no chance at that ball.
Confusing list. I expected him to use bullets.
"Murder multiple people" was on the list, but checked off, as it had been completed.
I'm an Eagles fan so I admittedly am a big defender of any move that Chip the "pink ass Winnie the Pooh lookin'" Kelly makes... But I'm so sick of hearing people argue that "the team has been good the past couple years so why make these bold moves?". If the goal were to be good and win some NFC championships then Andy…
Joffrey had better go ahead and get on the road. It's a long drive to Temecula.
Pete Carroll: Meh... Pass.
Not pictured: Pizza.
Why is your mustard black?
So at this place, everything tastes like ham?
What the NHL city you WANT to play in says about you:
If by "hot bed" you mean self-destructive black hole of obsession and masochism, featuring the worst hockey media in the world and a fanbase that will interrupt the dinner of a fourth liner for autographs.
Other than in the draft you mean...
The wrestler or the singer?
"Daron? It's Bob Diaco. We've got an opening, what with one of our quarterbacks retiring, and the rest being generally terrible. What do you say? Can you start this year?"
This is like a game of madlibs.