
It does CMS! I do CMS all the time-it's got APA and MLA too. You can save, or have the citations copy pasted. But read through them, so they're in the updated format, and because the CMS one is in bibliography format, not footnote. Make sure the style is 16th edition-I think that's the latest CMS. Ask the prof if it's

Holy shit.

Boom! Perfect! Google Scholar can help!

Dang. But the loophole you might want to inquire about is the fact that Google Scholar archives the journals. Technically, you are using the journal, you just acquired it from a digital archive. It's not really different than sifting though a library.

Did you try Google Scholar? I recently used it and it's amazing!

Not a bitch. He blew off school, he can go to the professor.


"How To Choose A College Major"

It's fun, but, alas, back be hurting'.

It always looks so easy...

Trapeze sounds super intimidating. My upper body strength is ok, but that seems like a lot.

I was in your exact same position.

Do it if you can!

SoCal! It was 15 bucks. I don't know what other places charge, but you could Google it.

Really? That's neat. It's not that hard, it's just positioning your weight.

Just got back from aerial silk lessons! They did it on RHOBH (don't judge me). Turns out my friend teaches, so I went and had a lesson. It was hard-lots of ab and upper arm strength needed-but fun. My favorite part was hanging upside down with my feet in the air...well, spread-eagle. Like this:

If she sleighed him, I'll be seeing red.

:D or }-:D

The Church of Satan has a response to this case.

I think this is interesting! I was doing research a while back and stumbled across this. As a Satanist, what do you think?