Unless you're Cory and Trevor.
Unless you're Cory and Trevor.
I want to be called "Sonyck with a 'y' Boom" because I break the sound barrier with my sick beats. And adding a 'y' makes it cool.
Always listen to Ricky. This is probably how he got here, but probably how Canada would feel if he came back.
Hey, Justin:
Yeah, gonna ask today :) We've been on three dates. And I've flirted with him a bit, and he responded well to that. He's only initiated once (but he appreciated the flirting-it involved a cheerleader outfit...).
I worked memes into my project today. I'm that badass. I don't know how to do gifs in a powerpoint though...
Oj (or whatever juice).
I officially give zero fucks. My blood is angry because I have to do a bullshit assignment. I'm channeling Sid Vicious, Hunter S. Thompson, and any other insane person to write this. I'm ok with that.
When it comes to hot guys, they run the gauntlet. From buff to badass.
Wow, thanks for the advice! All it takes is a few seconds of courage to introduce myself :)
Good luck!
Hmm, never thought of a fun tourist activity. Like a group? I'm not used to those. But that seems like a good idea!
I'm thinking about doing a few nice hostels. The other part I'd be renting an apartment. I'm doing about a week in each spot, but I have to reserve stuff like tickets and lodging stays-I'll try to be flexible. :)
Thats really neat! I like the idea of exploring sexuality and deafness. It seems unique.
Both how to cope with being alone, and how to find new people to not be so alone. I have no problem going to museums alone and stuff alone. I don't want to go to night clubs-bars and lounges are more my scene. I guess it's the meeting new people thing. I'll be writing most of the time when I have a chance.
Thanks! How did you make new friends? Did you just go out and make conversation? Because I'm just at a loss of even approaching new people.
1. What type of program is it, if you don't mind me asking? That's really cool that you have a direction and they liked it! Damn, that is competition. Wow.
My personal favorite:
Question: Has anyone on here ever gone on an extended trip to another country by themselves? I'm planning on traveling solo around Europe this summer. I'm excited, but really anxious. Mainly because I have heard so many horror stories about loosing luggage, being in creepy situations, getting lost,-plus I don't speak…