Debussy Fields

I'm with you. Every song on that is awesome.

JSBE couldn't carry the Lobos jock!

AV Club showing its true colors here by acknowledging human hardship. Cancel my grandma's subscription.

Shoulda gotten Jennifer Jason Leigh to play the ex-wife.

How in the world is Sasquatch! not the featured fest in Washington state?

Greg Poppovich would like a word with you.

I Love You Alice B. Toklestein

It was a detective show starring James Garnford.

It's on the Netflix.

Can I get a scrip so I can focus enough to read that review?

Thank goodness for Pantera.

Name one "top guitar player" who wouldn't exist without the tail of Frehley's Comet?
If you were lucky, attending a Kiss concert could change your throat culture and that's about it.

Who's gonna sell more records outta this? Chaim or O'Shea?

Whatever. Sex and the City ruined brunch!

If you're asking me, girlfriend, find one who does both!

So you're saying "retail therapy" works and that Magnolia Bakery's cupcakes are actually good? Wow, you know stuff!

Course not! Whenever dark shit like that happened, I switched back over to Friends.

Do you have any idea how brutal a heel break at a vulnerable moment can be?

Definitely coulda benefited from the gritty realism of, say, a Sex in the City.

More thigh?