Oh, Ru Ru Ru. Love you Ru. Damnit Ru. But love you Ru.
Oh, Ru Ru Ru. Love you Ru. Damnit Ru. But love you Ru.
Did you see Counterpart? It was on Epix originally and now is on Amazon Prime. Its a 2 season series and it is fantastic.
J.K. Simmons. Sissy Spacek. Sci-fi. I don’t even need to know anything else about this. I’ll be watching the minute it goes live.
Sorry, but I support the cancellation of ALL reality TV, even if we have to do it one show at a time.
the NFL doesn’t give a shit about anyone except the owners and their profits.
When will people understand the NFL doesn’t give a shit about women, whether they’re cheerleaders, wives/girlfriends/victims of the players, or even the women fans? They don’t give a shit about racism, either, as evidenced by the reaction to kneeling players.
+1. Shaming and disparaging overweight people for their health condition is unacceptable, but so is celebrating a disease, especially in children.
Want to know why I dismiss comments?
I feel like there is another guy already doing this that kotaku has already rightfully shit all over.
Though Styles has yet to call out Gallagher for his words, he’s going to have to log off from Twitter for the day. You do not want to mess with Styles’ stans.
But first a swift kick to the genitals.
Yeah, it is basic, but that stacked cast and some decent writing certainly help. Gonna miss this show.
“I feel like what Miranda does [on And Just Like That…] is incredibly brave. She gives up her very lucrative corporate job and goes back to try and make something more of her life.
What does a yellow light mean?
I didn’t expect much from this show and was really drawn in to it. Cuoco had a great performance.
That might partially be because season 3 was quite mediocre and not at all memorable.
the show did a beautiful job exploring substance use issues, and although the story got a little silly, Kaley really was amazing.