
I can channel a pretty decent Ethel Merman when an ear worm song is not to my liking and needs replacing.

This will make my daily walk around the pond more interesting.

I love the Ladybugs Picnic. Takes me back to when my son and daughter were small and avid Sesame Street fans. We even used to have an album called Born To Add which was a Sesame reversioning of popular songs, starting with Born to Run. That last makes watching all the Born To Run anniversary vids lately especially fun

My husband has also been on a covid upgrade-my-music-gear spree. It started with paying attention to how little attention has been paid to his various guitars over the last year. Then came pickups. Then restringing and set ups. Then came the unholy pedalboard extravaganza. Many pedals, many, and ultimately a larger

It is part of the Alzheimer/dementia test that my Mom had to take every time she went to the doctor. It was a decent way of tracking her decline. Nothing to crow about by a sitting President of the United States, yet it figures that he would. I have long suspected the Cheeto of having Alzheimers, and after care taking

Big thanks for the link! We made this tonight after power watching many of his vids. It was outstanding!

My daughter works in a nursing home, one son is a social worker, and the other son is working in a restaurant kitchen that pivoted to take out. I live with anxiety for them every day. There is not enough wine for this shit show.

Dad jokes in the time of covid. Tim is a treasure all his own.

Punxsutawney 7 of 9 stans for climate control

I’d say that at least it’s a bonus that they pulled that fuckwit Jillian off the show, but that nearly condones the fact that this travesty of a show exists at all.

I wonder if we will get to visit the Cloud District...I know a guy there.

I would star you many more times for this. That was my kids favorite book when they were small...and mine.

Because nothing diverts attention from a pesky impeachment than a shiny new war.

It doesn’t help that every single reviewer I’ve read has pretty much been horrified by the movie. One or two dissenters still makes it a possible like by movie goers...a unanimous shriek of wtf, not so much.

I’ve heard that theory before: that humans are stupid and don’t know that all the things need to be killed so here’s exhibit A to prove it. Except spiders...spiders are toys and do not deserve all the screaming they get.

MizJenkins was a fucking force of nature on Jezebel. God, I loved reading her threads.

Not only would we race home to watch it, but the next day in class the episode would be topic number one during home room. Oooh that nasty sexy Quentin Collins and his werewolfy ‘burns.

I will sit over here with you and this extremely articulate take. I used to think ‘if I could go back and tell my 20 year old self one thing...’ every time I hit a new decade (I have a couple more decades on me than you do). The really interesting thing isn’t what I would say to myself at each age anymore, it’s how

But it took them a whole week to craft that carefully worded ‘statement’. Can’t piss off China, can’t piss off shareholders, can’t piss off their employees because work stalls, can’t piss fans off even more especially with a big con coming. So they opt for carefully cultivated bullshit. Well done, Blizzard, we see you.

I don’t get it either, and I am an old gamer as well. An in-game friend of mine has repeatedly invited me to come to his Twitch channel and when I finally stopped in this week it was for about 5 minutes: long enough to watch him farming resources while Twitch viewers chatted and threw emojis around. I don’t understand