
Dear heaven, Brandon: Take this as a clear sign that you need to get help for your mental health issues.

Awwww, Terry Pratchett. Still missed.

Amazing. And I’m happy to see Tina looking healthy

Wow. It’s called empathy: something caregivers give eachother when they finally have a minute to themselves and can log into their support network. Another way of saying it’s okay to lay down your burdens. But hey, sorry to hit a nerve

Having been a caretaker concurrently to my Mother (Alzheimers), and my sister (massive stroke), I was under no delusion about how hard it must have been for Jane while I was watching the movie (which I really liked, by the way, and thought was well done). I was also quite aware that events in their marriage as

My husband and both had IT careers (I am retired now, he is still working). We used to refer to bosses like yours as having a severe case of “Founderitis”, and after working for a couple of them we learned to stay the eff away from those job offers. They simply have no ‘off’ switch, and they lack comprehension that

Thank you. I came here to say exactly that. I don’t always care for the musicians Jake covers, but he weaves a great story so I stay to listen and sometimes learn a thing or two.

One of my favorites was very early on when Penny got hooked on online gaming and fell to cheesedust-covered mouth, unwashed haired slothiness. Y’know, the way we gamers sometimes do when a new level is fast approaching so we cannot stop playing. And then Leonard the Knight showed up in the game.

I will sit beside you on the sofa. It hasn’t all been great, and since it’s final season I will see it through — please give Raj a real woman by the end — but it’s time is well done now. Why someone who has never watched it and seemingly already has such hate for it was chosen to write this is one of those Jezebel

I am new to the C&R Podcast, but I have been devouring each episode. I started listening out of order, but first up was the Jeannie C. Riley episode.  I was about 10 yrs old when the song was released and I remember a lot of press and appearances and then whispered gossip about her. The podcast did not disappoint at

Somewhere Loretta Lynn is shaking her head and thinking ‘oh honey, stand by your man is so 1969'.

I am happy with the casting. Now for the really important character: who is playing Roach?

And mine! Every time!!

He’d better have a crapton of broken rakes by one episode end...

Never could get into the book, and I couldn’t get past 4 episodes of the show. This one just didn’t do it for me, despite the stellar performances by the cast. Some stories are just like that. *shrug*

More and more Madonna is reminding me of whacky Aunt Flo who puts on all the things and slips her caregivers for a couple of hours.

This is the Agatha Christie that was re-shot when Ed Westwick was dropped from the original cast. I don’t know that he would have brought any more sense or cohesiveness to the production, tbh. As Agatha Christie remakes go (this is the third, annually aired at Christmas in the UK), this one relied too much on hidden

I think that Jen plays a very long game.

That’s his real appeal.

Angie forgets that children grow up and form their own opinions and agendas for their lives. It may include their Dad, it may not, but it’s their choice. This is going to come back and bite her in the ass in 10 years.