Of all the stuff I would’ve imagined Australia wouldn’t have, waffles would not have been high on the list.
Of all the stuff I would’ve imagined Australia wouldn’t have, waffles would not have been high on the list.
I started getting Glossybox about 5 months ago, after reading your columns. It is usually pretty good, and I like most of what they send. Once in a while, they send me a WTF item that is so ill suited for me, such as a neon pink OCC Lip Tar, or orange nail polish. This month, the lip liner was an 80’s pink color. They…
Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion. That was never my intention.
“oh, i didn’t realize it was like, a CELEBRITY lion, i thought i was just, legally, murdering a NORMAL lion.
Yeah, I don’t think a shared fear of the sun and hate of people who made fun of us for our freckles makes a culture. A starting point for getting a good drunk on maybe, but not a culture.
Wait, we have culture?
As someone who has relatives who survived the Holocaust and have dealt with the trauma for pretty much the rest of their lives, I’d (again) ask people not to play the Nazi card as a rhetorical device.
These thingamajigs...you’re supposed to use them to cut the wrapping off the tops of wine bottles, but you can just as easily use the tip of the corkscrew of wine-openers. Waiter’s corkscrews also come with a small knife blade for exactly this. I don’t need a whole new widget just for this one minor function, even if…
It wasn’t enough to be wrong about everything on Earth, so Ted Cruz dragged the Federation into it.
This clearly flies in the face of everything that Maxxism stands for. Hell you might as well just go to Lenins & things.
The boring fuddy-duddies over at Instagram are censoring users again by banning the hashtag #curvy in search results.
Sorry, but I am back for another rant. Gertrude Bell really did live an extraordinary life, from being a record breaking mountaineer, to her work with the different tribes in the area. And my gods, she did it all with so much style!. Why could we not have had a decent biopic of her? Why does it have to resemble a made…
I am extremely confused that you’re horrified by flour, which is one of the least offensive substances on the planet.
Unless your are willing to spend from two to four hours a day practicing practical shooting technique, do not carry a firearm.
“Also, please take this complementary diabetes as a souvenir of your tour!”
When I lived in CA, I worked in a kitchen in close proximity to the public. One day, I overheard someone say to his dining companion, “You know, we’re really much more knowledgable about food here in California because we’re so diverse and love all kinds of food. I mean, we have flavors that people in the Midwest…