Brava! This is some of the best writing I’ve seen in ages. Of course most of the writing I see is done by bored, distracted 19 year olds who fail to understand why a history of cinema course requires them to write.
Brava! This is some of the best writing I’ve seen in ages. Of course most of the writing I see is done by bored, distracted 19 year olds who fail to understand why a history of cinema course requires them to write.
I bought the late lamented Louie one of those water fountain things that had a constantly recirculating flow of water dripping off a tower in the middle of the bowl (39.00) His reaction: cautious exploration accomplished by creeping close to it on his belly, then fear and avoidance of the entire laundry room which was…
That’s a new one for me. My grandmother said she used eyebrow pencil to draw the seam
Hmm. Hilary Swank did Amelia Earhart a few years ago in a very bad film. Another bad film about her would be very sad indeed. How about a Pancho Barnes film? If I were an actor, I’d love to play her - especially in the years when she barnstormed and raced planes in the 1920s. THen she opens the Happy Bottom Riding…
Hmm. So who is running this and is it building a facial recognition database?
That pic of Diana is veryclose to what I meant. I actually did own that suit around 1983
oh I meant to reply to your post but erred.
It was the 80s, all right. I remember I wore my black velvet suit - knock off Chanel worn with a high neck ivory silk blouse. The neck was a ruffled turtleneck. My head emerged out of it in all its redhead glory- Think of Princess Di in red. My adult braces glittered dangerously in the candlelight. Candelight that…
I read the NYT article on Brodo and laughed all the way through it. Now if we make some cronut croutons and float them on bone broth, we can call it Crone Broth and charge extra. Must be served by witches though.
i forgot to nominate badger balm. I lose
i forgot to nominate badger balm. I lose
80 proof vodka is 64 calories per ounce. 100 proof is 123 calories per ounce. Pick your point where pleasure balances calories intake. And add water and a twist.
Werner Herzog just made a Gertrude Bell film, "Queen of the Desert" starring Nicole Kidman. It should be released this year.
I'm very excited for this! I often teach a course about war and cinema and use a lot of old wartime recipes, wartime short stories from women's magazines of the time, all the OWI "suggested" homefront stuff. In short, this will quickly become one of my favorite spots.
I have always hated milk. I hated the taste, the texture, the look and the smell of it. Even when I was a child it made me throw up. I never use it but I do occasionally eat some brie, iberico, stilton or gruyere. or velveeta. but that's not really cheese so it doesn't count.
Is she giving a coaching tip for the Sea Chickens? Wear pantsuits in the Super Bowl and crrrush those Patriots?